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Victoria's Wastewater:

Land-Based Treatment ... or Something Better?

Speaker Biography

Dr. James A. Boutilier, PhD

James A. Boutilier, PhD is the Special Advisor (Policy) at Canada’s Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters in Esquimalt, British Columbia, where he is responsible for advising the Commander of Maritime Forces Pacific on matters of defense, foreign policy and maritime security in the Asia-Pacific region.. Dr. Boutilier served in the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve from 1956 to 1964 as a navigating officer and in the same capacity in the Royal Navy Reserve from 1964 to 1969. Dr. Boutilier taught at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji, from 1969 to 1971 and at Royal Roads Military College where he spent 24 years as department head and Dean of Arts. He was instrumental in establishing the military and strategic studies degree program at the College and taught courses on naval history, contemporary Asia, the history of the Pacific, and strategic issues. Dr. Boutilier is now the current President of MASC.