The DM-Environment observed that, while it was fine to work through CCME on progressive solutions and that looking for new technologies was also a useful path, there must be not perception that the government is backing away from its commitments - indeed, the government must re-engage with the process in the CRD in order to stay connected, maintain influence and show leadership.
The Political Advisor to the Premier’s Office agreed, but cautioned that it was crucial to recognize that the government has successfully off-loaded some critical challenges around political risks. For example, siting issues are no longer the government’s problem. Consultations with First Nations also. The government should not do anything that would take back ownership of those political risks.
The DM-Environment agreed that there was no up-side to re-taking ownership of politically risky elements of the problem. However, the public service must provide the public with the best possible information upon which to make a decision. There are some significant gaps in the analysis that must be filled - but this must be undertaken without given any impression that the government is delaying.
Friday, February 22, 2008
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